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Memories are Gone with Him


Thoughts > Poetry > Poetry by Me > Memories are Gone with Him


My memories are of
Playing with the dogs,
Quietly observing Grampa smoking,
And wondering
Why only old men smoked pipes.

I remember the creases around his eyes;
An imprint of a lifetime of smiling.
He had grown into a contented and happy face.

I remember Grampa,
My memories will never fade.
But his memories are gone forever.

He’ll never remember his wife,
His children,
His grandchildren,
His friends,
His dogs.
Gone are his thoughts and feelings,
Of the joy and love,
Which left their marks on his kind face.

Everything that made him who he was is gone.
I still remember Grampa,
But it is not enough.


 Copyright Heledd Straker 2006

Go placidly amid the noise and haste